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it's about standing out...

Here’s a small selection of July 2020 grants. Like and  Follow our Facebook page for regular updates – GrantsPlus Consulting.

July 2020 Grants Update Winter


Active Restart Infrastructure Recovery Fund

Closing 7 August 2020

Sport and recreation funding up to $5000 (Category 1) and up to $20,000 (Category 2) is on offer to help community sport and recreation organisations return to play post-COVID shutdown. Applications opened 16 July and will close 7 August. Eligible organisations can submit only ONE application for a Category 1 or Category 2 grant, but not both; and with the funding pool being split equally between SEQ and Regional QLD, you can bet the SEQ component will be highly competitive!  As always, there are certain things that will and won’t be funded, and you’ll need to make sure you’re well-positioned to give your application the best chance of success.  This, of course, is where our grant writing services can help you!  More information can be found here


NAIDOC Local Grants

Closing 17 August 2020

Funding to support activities being held during NAIDOC Week 2020 (8-15 November) that celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, achievements and continuing contributions to our country and society. Activities should align with the National NAIDOC Theme for 2020, ‘Always was, Always will be’. Grants range up to $50,000.00.  For more info, click here.


Women & Change – Queensland Women’s Giving Circle Grant

EOI closing 28 August 2020

Are you a DGR charity supporting disadvantaged Queenslanders? Women & Change is offering ONE grant of up to $50,000 for projects that make a difference in your community. Women & Change is Queensland’s first giving circle, established in 2014, and each year members collectively donate to a project that helps Queenslanders in need.  Find out more here.


GCBF Update

Closing 31 August 2020

Everybody’s favourite Gambling Community Benefit Fund has opened for Round 106, closing 31 August 2020. There have been some slight changes to eligibility, so we’ve summarised some key points here for you:

  • Applicants must be familiar with the guidelines – breaches may result in the organisation being ineligible or granted funds being recalled.
  • Quality assurance checks may be performed regularly (including site visits) on submitted grant applications.
  • Schools are now ineligible but P&C’s/P&F’s can still apply.
  • You will be ineligible for the funding if you have duplicate registrations in the online portal.
  • You will be ineligible for funding if you don’t update your financial details before applying.
  • You must review and update your registration details each year as well as when applying.
  • You can no longer re-apply if you are still awaiting an outcome on a previous application.
  • There is a one-round exclusion period after an acquittal.
  • Funding application may be up to 5 months after the closing date.

You can read the online guidelines here.


Deadly Deals

Provides grants to support Indigenous businesses and innovators to undertake the next step in the development of a product, process or service to market. Eligible entities must be an Indigenous business with an ABN & registered for GST at time of application; situated in QLD; have less than 50 FTE staff and have a product development project supported by a business plan that is capable of being completed within 12 months.  Read more here.


Harcourts Foundation

Closing 30 September 2020

Harcourt’s provide grants for events, projects, items or initiatives to groups with DGR & TCC status in areas where Harcourts has an office. 
For more info, read here.


Regional Tourism Bushfire Recovery Grants

Stream 1 closing 18 December 2020

Grants of up to $30,000 to support smaller-scale events (including the promotion of these events) concerts, festivals and/or other visitor attractions such as art installations and tourist walks. Applicants are Local Government Authorities and Regional Tourism Organisations operating in Local Government Areas activated by state or territory governments for Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) assistance for the 2019-2020 fire season.  Read more here.