Creating stronger communities...

it's about standing out...



Keep your staff and stay connected!

The not-for-profit sector is a huge employer in Australia with staff that contribute much more to the social fabric of their communities than just a day’s hard work.

Now is NOT the time to sit back and wait, folks! If clubs and organisations want volunteers and members to come back once all the restrictions are lifted, then you need to keep them connected NOW.

Not-for-Profits that meet criteria may be eligible for the $1500/fn Job Keeper payments to help keep your staff on board.

Keeping your staff will allow you to connect, create and communicate WITH and FOR your members and volunteers.

By keeping staff on board you can:

  • Reinvent your current services to online options to keep your members happy (online fitness sessions, skills and drills, strength & stretch, activities for juniors)
  • Create new program offerings for your members to come back to (or join into now online)
  • Make calls to check in on your volunteer’s welfare and wellbeing – value them to keep them!
  • Get on top of a whole raft of planning and service development activities (from home, that is)
  • Catch up on membership databases, communications, administration (1:4m2!)
  • Organise staff training opportunities (online, or socially-distant, of course!)
    get on top of policy development or updating (new Pandemic Policy anyone?)
  • BE READY to hit the ground running when the hibernation ends!

Register your interest in the Job Keeper payments at the ATO and keep your staff productive!  Click here for more details.