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Although a few months behind timeline, the State Government’s Get Going Club‘s grants have finally been announced. This program runs annually and sports clubs can only apply every 2 years. Most of our sports clients were successful last year and had to skip this round, but 3 eligible clients applied and all have been rewarded for their patience.

Congratulations to Kilcoy Motorcycle (MX) Club and Maryborough Sporting Car Club on funding to purchase new All Terrain Vehicles. The ATV’s are important in motorsport activities as rapid response vehicles; to more volunteers and equipment and even to help start/tow Karts for racing.

Congratulations also to the Hervey Bay Motorsports (Khanacross) Club for their successful grant for timing equipment.  This will certainly ease the strain on volunteers and help to attract new participants to the club.

We’re still waiting on outcomes for clients that applied for Get Playing Places and Spaces (Infrastructure) funding but hope to hear outcomes from this extremely competitive program very soon.